Alex for Windows

Alex for Windows is a powerful tool for creating and customizing User Dictionaries for the Logos system. Alex for Windows makes lexical work simple, efficient and virtually error proof. Entire phrases or single words may be entered into Alex for Windows and specified with respect to word inflection and number, word gender, part of speech and context-specific information. The sophisticated graphical user interface allows you to modify dictionaries with an easy point & click of your mouse.

Manage Proprietary Terminology

Alex for Windows is a highly effective tool for building and maintaining User Dictionaries used with the Logos automatic translation system. Alex for Windows makes lexical work easy. With Alex for Windows, new entries are typically made in less than a minute each. By using Alex for Windows as part of your automatic translation process, you can have unlimited terminology.

Using Alex for Windows

Documents created in word processing applications or desktop publishing programs are submitted for translation by LogosClient to Logos Server. The dictionaries that you create in Alex for Windows will be used along with the sophisticated Logos dictionary and rich semantic rulebase to accomplish automatic translation on Logos Server.

Company-specific terms are entered into Alex for Windows and stored in one or more dictionaries on your PC. You can specify word inflection, word gender and other morphological patterns within any given language pair of single words or noun phrases.

When you submit a document, these dictionaries will be temporarily merged with a copy of the powerful Logos dictionary for immediate use in machine translation. After the translation is complete, your dictionary is removed from Logos Server and is inaccessible to anyone else. You maintain complete control over your terminology.

Customizing Your Own Dictionaries

Alex for Windows allows you to create dictionaries for nouns and noun phrases. Since language is so ambiguous, the translation system needs to know the meaning of the words you are entering so that this meaning can be taken into consideration when resolving ambiguities in the sentence. When you enter a noun or noun phrase, Alex for Windows will query you as to its meaning.

How Alex for Windows Works

In other translation products, decisions about which word to use for a particular translation are based upon a single core dictionary. The user's only way of selecting a different translation is by overriding the core dictionary with a single User Dictionary definition. With Alex for Windows, you can specify up to five User Dictionaries that help the system make decisions based upon subject matter.

For example, let's say that you want to sell a new software product in South America. Suppose the word "table" appears in your documentation, but in this context "table" is being used to describe a "table of numbers" or a "spreadsheet." You don't want to use the standard Spanish translation "mesa" with this subject because the translation is not what you mean. Using Alex for Windows, you may specify your preference of the word "tabla" by entering the word "table" and its Spanish equivalent "tabla" under the semantic code "recorded data," with the subject matter of "information processing." This will specify that the translation should be used with documents describing computers and software.

Alex for Windows allows you to specify the exact meaning of your noun entry. For example, when you enter the word "table", Alex for Windows will present you with a list of possible meanings and ask you to specify which one applies to your entry. You will be presented with the following list and asked to select the one closest to your intention:

After you select one of these meanings, Alex for Windows attaches the necessary codes to your entry and makes important use of them during translation. Many users find this semi-automatic encoding feature one of the most interesting aspects of Alex for Windows. No other product offers you this level of flexibility, ease of use and power in developing User Dictionaries.

User Dictionaries created by Alex for Windows:

Four Language Dictionaries:

Create up to four language dictionaries from English to:
* French
* German
* Spanish
* Italian

Structure of Dictionary Entries

The Logos Family of Translation Products:

The Logos Server
LogosClient for LAN
LogosClient Remote
Alex for Windows


Note: Before you can install Alex for Windows you must have LogosClient installed on your PC. All of the following requirements, except for the additional free disk space, should have already been met during the installation of LogosClient.



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